Welcome to Worship.

Whoever you are, whatever
your story, we warmly invite you
to come worship the Lord with us.

Our church offers a traditional worship service
every Sunday at 10:30am.

Our church family gathers together every Sunday at 10:30am to glorify God in singing, prayer, exploring scripture, communion, giving offerings, fellowship, and more. We worship in a traditional Presbyterian style that puts the Bible at the heart of all we do. We joyfully welcome children in worship, whether they want to stay in the pews with family or run off to specialized Sunday school classes, because we know we’re all the children of God. Times of fellowship bracket our Sunday worship, with an adult Bible study beforehand at 9:15am and a brief coffee hour after the service. No matter what your story is, we invite you to join us in celebrating the grace and love of Jesus Christ.


Presbyterians have a uniquely Biblical approach to worshiping the Lord. Our entire worship service is oriented around the Word of God, with everything in worship being in preparation for response to our encounter with the Risen Christ through God’s word of scripture. We worship on Sundays because the gospels testify how Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. Music, prayer, and scripture flow across every portion of worship, for they are all ways we can listen to and praise the Lord.


Music is a major part of our church’s worship. Our adult choir sings on most Sundays. Our pipe organ provides gorgeous accompaniment whenever the congregation or choir sings, and we often have special music guests during major holidays or in the summer months. Scripture calls us to “make a joyful noise to the Lord,” and so whatever your age or experience level, we encourage you to consider joining our choirs and musicians in glorifying God through the gift of song. Please contact our office at office@fpclapeer.org for more information about sharing your gift of music with this congregation.