How to get started
at FPC Lapeer
Our church family gathers together every Sunday at 10:30am to glorify God in singing, prayer, exploring scripture, communion, giving offerings, fellowship, and more. We worship in a traditional Presbyterian style that puts the Bible at the heart of all we do.
Times of fellowship bracket our Sunday worship, with an adult Bible study beforehand at 9:15am and a brief coffee hour after the service. No matter what your story is, we invite you to join us in celebrating the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
Welcome Home.
We are so glad you are here.
We have a large variety of adult ministries as well, from Bible studies to social groups to seasonal events and activities. Our congregation also has a passion for serving others, and we offer a weekly Thursday soup kitchen, host a mobile homeless shelter in the winter, sponsor regular donation drives and special offerings, and provide personal caregiving for the needy through our deacons and health ministry teams. Finally, music is integral to our worship here at First Presbyterian, and our church maintains a choir while also providing special music during the summer months.
Living out the gospel
calling of Christ.
Our Ministries
Children’s Ministries
Please know that we love having children share in worship! We know kids often squirm or make noise in their seats, and that is more than okay. It’s a wonderful reminder that we are all children of God! We offer Sunday school and a nursery where children can receive special attention, lessons, and activities, but your child is also welcome to stay in the service if you wish. If they have any unique needs, please let us know so we can better serve your family.
God put the squirm in our kids.
As a member church of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we affirm the twelve Christian creeds contained in the Book of Confessions. The various statements in that book were each issued in response to specific contexts and crises facing the church. Yet we believe they also speak to the present day church, guiding the faithful study of scripture, summarizing the essence of the Reformed Christian tradition, equipping the church for its work of proclaiming the gospel, and strengthening the personal faith and witness of believers.